
بالصور والفيديو : الأمير ويليام تغلبه دموعه عندما رأى زوجته بموقف ذكرته بوالدته ديانا

نشرت صحيفة الديلي ميل البريطانية مقطع فيديو مؤثر للأمير ويليام أثناء زيارته لتاج محل حيث يرتبط المكان بذكراياته مع والدته، خلال الزيارة والتي كان هو و زوجته الدوقة كيت يتفقدان المعالم الأثرية للبلد و أثناء وقوفهما على نفس المنصة التي وقفت عليها والدته من قبل لاحظ الأمير التقارب بين تصرفات زوجته و والدته فظهر بالفيديو وهو يمسح دموعا غلبت عينيه ثم يرتدي نظارته ليواري تأثره عن الأنظار، ثم بعدها غادرا منصة الحب الصادق والتي سابقا كانت شاهدة على فشل زواج الأميرة ديانا من الأمير تشارلز منذ 24 عاما مضت.

New photos that have emerged of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's visit to the Taj Mahal appear to show William becoming emotional having visited the same spot his mother had 24 years earlier

The Duke of Cambridge was seen wiping each of his eyes outside the mausoleum in India 

The photos were taken shortly after the Duke and Duchess had visited the bench where Princess Diana had sat and posed for photos as she had 

Princess Diana was pictured on a bench in front of the Indian landmark in 1992 as her marriage to Prince Charles unravelled

The royal then replaced his sunglasses in an effort to conceal his emotion while he was accompanied by his ever loyal wife

The royal then replaced his sunglasses in an effort to conceal his emotion while he was accompanied by his ever loyal wife

William's late mother Princess Diana had visited the monument in 1992 alone shortly before her divorce to Prince Charles was announced

The couple's spokesman said they had only decided this morning that they would sit on the bench - and not because of its associations with Diana, but because it is 'where everyone sits to admire the Taj's beauty'

Prince William sat down with his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, on the same marble bench as his late mother, Princess Diana, at the Taj Mahal

The bench Princess Diana was sitting on was the seat on which 12 years earlier a single Charles had posed and vowed to return one day with a bride

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